A Stockholm specialty, Sweden's take on Baked Potato. Simple and delicious and you can play with the flavours. And looks pretty too.
All you need :
Ingredients :
( for 1 person)
Oblong Potato.
2-3 cloves of garlic.
2 Tbsp oil/ Olive oil.
Thyme 1 tsp.
Chilli flakes : 1 tsp.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Parsley : 1Tbsp
Cheese : as per required (cheddar is great option)
1. First preheat the oven at 200˚ C . Wash the potato. Keep the skin on to get a crisp covering.
2. Take chopsticks, keep the potato over the chopsticks and start cutting slices till your knife tohches the stick, this will help in maintaining uniformity. Keep an inch gap between two slices.
3. Once the potato has been cut, keep it in cold water. In another bowl, take oil, garlic, chilli flakes, parsley, thyme , salt and pepper. Pound everything using a mortar and pestle. Take the potato out of the water. Dab it with a kitchen towel.
4. Apply the flavoured oil all over the potato. Make sure you don't miss to apply between 2 slices.
5. Top the potato with some cheese, drizzle some oil and bake. It should take around 40 mins to bake completely. Lower the heat to half at 25 mins.
6. There you go, Sweden's Hassel Back Potatoes ready to serve.
**Look for the pictorial description of cutting the potatoes**