Shezwan chutney or Shezwan Sauce is used with many indianised Chinese dishes like Shezwan Fried rice, shezwan noodles etc. It is served with a popular Street food item, Momos too. I always wondered what all goes into making this beautiful spicy and sweet sauce. Did a a little experiment and Voila!! It tastes better than what we get in he store out of a jar. So simple and quick.
All you need :
1. Dry red chilli : 15-20 ( Soaked in hot water for at least 30 mins)
2. Garlic : 10-15 cloves
3. Soy sauce : 1 Tbsp
4. Vinegar : 1/2 Tbsp
5. Tomato Ketchup : 1 1/2 Tbsp
6. Sugar : 1 tsp
7. Salt : a pinch
8. Oil : 1/2 cup.
Method :
1. Soak the red chilli in hot water for at least 30 mins. You can remove the seed before soaking. But I like to keep the seeds intact.
2. After 30 mins, cut the Chilli in small pieces. In a food grinder, add Chilli and garlic. Blitz it into a paste. You have kept the seeds intact, then you will get a slightly coarse paste. But that's OK.
3. Heat oil in a pan, add the paste and cook it till the raw smell of garlic reduces. Once the oil and paste starts to separate, add some sauce, Tomato ketchup, sugar, salt. Mix well and cook for 2-3 mins. Take it off the gas.
4. After its come to room temperature, transfer it to an air tight jar. Top it off with some more oil, this help to increase the shelf life of the Shezwan sauce.
Serve it with hot hot spicy Momos.
Thank you for a lovely sauce recipe, we tried it out and came out yum !!