1 May 2014

Welcome to my Blog :)

As the name suggests I am truly madly deeply in love with Food!!. As quoted by Nigella Lawson " I am not a chef. I am not even a trained or professional cook. My qualification is as an eater " , this is exactly what I feel. Cooking is something that comes from heart and not from books :). Cooking and Sharing food with family and friends is what I love to do. Cooking is not my hobby its my passion. So I am here to share some really simple fast fresh traditional modern and of course delicious food with you all.
Food is an integral part of our lives. Some may take it as their profession and some make it their passion, like me :).
My first ever dish as a child was masala pav, made with just oil, tomato, onion and cheese . And from then I realized that I have this "thing" for food. Thanks to mom for letting me into her kitchen and letting me do all sorts of cooking experiments and making a lot of mess.
Cooking is an art which can be learnt and mastered. Its a discipline. Each ingredient has its own stance, power and importance. Recipes that have been shared down from generation to generation have so much to learn from. Keeping those in mind and adding a  little twist and extra mirch masala and creating a wonderful concoction is the way to go!!
Most of us feel that cooking is a big task. I feel its not a rocket science. Though it sure needs a lot of dedication and creativity. For me the pan is my canvas , spatula my paint brush and all the spices veggies my colors which creates a wonderful piece of art called FOOD!!
So I am here to spread the joy of cooking to all of you. Because there is no happiness more than sharing.



  1. Wow interesting blog!!!!!!

  2. You are genius Baabi, avval sheekha, avval preparations kari ho

  3. Yes you have this thing for food :-) Keep up the good work.
